October Member Spotlight: Jen Peticca


1.  How did you get started on your Equity / CrossFit journey? 
My CrossFit journey began in the summer of 2019.  My daughter’s travel soccer team started training at Equity a few times a week and my husband started taking classes too.  I watched the soccer team get incredible workouts and my husband loved the classes as well. He kept telling me that I’d like it and how much it could help me. I was scared to try it.  

Since 2008 I had been dealing with pain in my groin. This pain ultimately left me with a       horrible limp when I walked, took away my ability and love of running and robbed me of so many other joys in life.  I missed my children’s school field trips, I couldn’t walk my dog without using a cane, going to the grocery store became unbearable and I even needed to get a handicap sign for my car. 

In 2014, at the age of 39, I was finally diagnosed with hip dysplasia.  My hip was not in the socket correctly.  I was told to start using pain pills and wait as long as I could before getting a total hip replacement.  So that’s what I did. My right hip was replaced in May of 2017.  Within a month or two of that surgery, my left hip started slipping out of its socket. I literally couldn’t believe it. The pain and my limping came back. I was told because of all the years I limped, I ruined my left hip. Back on pain pills and wait as long as I can again. In April of 2019, I had my left hip replaced. 

Before joining Equity, my legs were the weakest they had ever been. Today, I know without a doubt,  that joining was the best decision I could have ever made. I have my life back. Because of the truly unbelievable coaching I have received and the work I’ve put in, I feel better than ever and my limp is completely gone.  My hips won’t last forever and they will need to be replaced again, but I know that I will recover so much faster because of the strength CrossFit has given me.  

Many thanks goes to my husband for believing in me and encouraging me to step outside my comfort zone

2.  What was your first impression when you started?
“How in the hell am I going to do this without making a complete and total ass of myself?”

3.  How has that impression changed? 
Today I say-“I love going to class but I really wish they (Berek) would post all 6 workouts for the week so I could cherry pick which classes I’m least likely to make an ass of myself in.”

3. When did you join Equity? 
I joined in August 2019.   

4.  What advice would you give to someone thinking of joining Equity? 
The best advice I could give someone who was thinking about joining would be to just try it.  Don’t compare yourself to anyone else and don’t expect to master the exercises right away. Take advantage of the opportunity to workout around strong inspiring people and accept the help from all the great coaches. No matter what fear, weakness, injury or disability you may have, they can help you work around it!!




Movie-Sixteen Candles, A Perfect World, Count of Monte Cristo and Game of Thrones

Holiday-Mother’s Day

CrossFit movement -Hang Power Clean

Thanks Jen for being a member of the Equity family!  #investinyourself

Thank you for reading.
Kelli Roy


There is No Growth without Struggle


Sharpen the Saw