Why Equity Youth Team Training - Part II: Mindset

Equity Team Training and Mindset

We have three goals when we work with sport teams at Equity. 

  1. Reduce Risk of Injury

  2. Improve Mindset

  3. Increase Physical Capacity

In this second installment we are talking MINDSET. Having a positive and growth mindset will help young athletes overcome obstacles and continue to improve throughout their lives. Sports are a great place for life lessons.

During our team training sessions we focus on 5 areas.

  1. Positive Self Talk vs Negative Self Talk
    The story you tell yourself matters. That story becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. For example I'm bad at math turns into poor test scores. Versus, I have been studying hard for this math test and get a higher score then the last test.

  2. Fixed vs Growth Mindset
    A fixed mindset believes that skills and talents are innate. A growth mindset believes with mindful practice you can get better, no matter the task. Putting in mindful practice everyday will put you on the road to improving (that road will have ups and downs along the way) but improvement will come. Simply doing something does not mean you will get better at it. For example, people drive everyday but may not be "good" drivers. That is because they are not mindfully trying to improve at driving.

  3. Blame and Complain Stay the Same
    Blaming others does not help you get better, there is no progress. Complaining does not change your circumstances. If complaining won't change anything then we should not put any of our efforts toward it. Instead use that energy on things you can control to help you get better.

  4. Control what you can Control
    Only focus on what you can control. Everything else should roll off your shoulders. Worrying about a bad referee is not going to help you win the game. What you can control is your effort, behavior, and mindset. Getting angry will only hurt your performance. Things you can control training, mindset, nutrition, sleep, and recovery.

  5. Take Ownership
    If you are not where you want to be, there is one person that can make a difference and that person is you. If you want something take complete ownership and work toward it.

Do you have any questions how we can help your team?

Interested in signing your team up for our 8 week team training program?


Please and Thank You


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