The Power of Video Review and Analysis


If you have ever watched an interview after a professional sporting event, the players will talk about reviewing the video.  Go to any youth sporting event and there will be coaches and dedicated parents taking video of the game.

The reason they are taking video is so it can be reviewed and they can learn from it.  This concept does not need to be used with just professional athletes, serious competitors, or game video.  Video breakdown and analysis can be used for anyone that is trying to improve on a particular thing.

Being shown you are rounding your back on a deadlift has much more impact than thinking your back is flat and being told you are rounding.  Seeing is believing.

Taking video of our movements and workouts allows us to find faults (like a rounded back), find inefficiencies (like realizing you are taking 15 seconds every round to untangle your rope), find strengths (like your row technique), and breakdown split times.  Having the ability to identify these areas will help us stay safe and healthy by building better technique.  That improved technique will allow us to move faster and move heavier weight, which will improve our fitness.

  • How to use video practically?
    If you have a particular movement you are trying to improve on, video that movement during a workout.  During an EMOM (every minute on the minute) or during sets where you can look at the video after a set.  If you want to look at a met-con, try taking video during smaller classes, during open gym, at home, or during supplemental movements.

  • Should I video?  I'm not competitive.
    Do you want to improve at something?; then absolutely!  Taking video will help improve technique, which will keep you safe and healthy.

  • I took some videos but now what?
    If you're not sure on how you can improve, get some help.  Our personal training time can be used for video breakdown/analysis, and/or regular personal training.  A video breakdown takes about 15 minutes, so buying a 30 minute training session will allow for 2 videos and a 60 minute training session will allow for 4 videos.

Are you interested in improving some of your movements? Need some help? Let us know.

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