Nutrition Challenges - First Timers and Vets

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Nutrition Challenges - First Timers and Vets

Nutrition challenges are not just for first timers or vets they are for everyone. There is some general education that goes along with these challenges but by far the most important part of this challenge is the building and re-enforcing of new long lastly healthy habits.

Our goal is not to have a lower number on the scale in 8 weeks, it is to build habits that will lead to a body free of excessive body fat, chronic disease, and having the ability to handle anything life throws at you. Some side effects of the challenge might include a lower (or higher if deserved) number on the scale, a leaner build, performance gains, and more confidence in yourself.

The challenge can also be different depending on where you are in your fitness journey. Just like workouts in the gym we can modify the challenge up or down to match your level. If you don't know what a macro nutrient is then we will start with the basics. If you want to podium local competitions then will are going to need some fine tuning.

Besides the new information and the new habits it is also a social event. Every challenge is done in teams to help you through the tough times and keep you accountable. Forging new friendships in the process.

Here are some benefits of doing nutrition challenges.

First Timers
  • New Information
  • What is "Healthy"
  • Proper Portions
  • New Strategies
  • Refresher
  • New Information
  • Hit the reset
  • Help Others
  • Accountability
  • Social
  • Fun
  • Challenging
Here is a link to our Facebook Event for the nutrition seminar
that will accompany the challenge.

Facebook Event

Seminar: September 27th @ 6:45 (no 6:30 class. open gym)
Challenge: October 1st to November 26th
Have questions about the upcoming nutrition challenge? Have some results you would like to share with us? Shoot me an email.

Interested in giving Equity a try? Check out how to get started.

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12 Movements to Stay Healthy and Funtional