12 Movements to Stay Healthy and Funtional

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12 Movements to Stay Healthy and Functional

The other day I was asked if I could only do 10 movements to stay healthy and functional when I was 40 and over what would they be. So here is a list of 12. Thank you for the question Luke. :)

  1. Clean & Jerk
    This movement has it all. Pull from the floor, full squat, and full overhead.
  2. Run
    The least contrived movement we can do in the gym. Move your body from point A to point B.
  3. Lunge
    Having balance and strength to get off the floor is essential for long term health.
  4. Squat
    Leg strength is an indicator o longevity and independence. You have to squat everyday to use the bathroom, get in/out of the bed, sit up/down in a chair.
  5. Burpee
    Fall down get yourself back up, repeat.
  6. Farmer Carry
    Build upper body strength and carry all the groceries in one trip.
  7. Chin Up
    Pulling upper body strength. Fall in the shower after leg day? You need to be able to pull yourself up.
  8. Dip
    Pushing upper body strength.
  9. Box Jump
    Build explosive power while helping build bone density
  10. Deadlift
    Pick things off the ground dog food, pencils, babies, 200 pound barbells.
  11. Snatch
    Pulling, squatting, overhead. Full body work and range of motion.
  12. Turkish Get Up
    Get up and get down with a load.
All of these movement help build strength, endurance, full range of motion, and functionality.
What 12 movements would you use? Let us know.

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