8 Reasons Group Classes are for Everyone

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Group Classes FTW

It doesn't matter if your 5 days into CrossFit or 5 years; participating in group classes will help you improve inside and outside of the gym.

  1. Fun
    Working out with others is always a good time. Come in, let your hair down, work hard, and have fun doing it.
  2. Accountability
    Having friends, workout partners, and coaches that care if you are at the gym helps keep you coming back into the gym. Also when working in a group you have the accountability to finish the workout and give each workout everything you have.
  3. Motivation
    When you see your buddy 5 reps ahead of you or lifting 10 more pounds, there is a little part of you that says I can do this.  Motivation to come to the gym and motivation to do more than you thought you were capable.
  4. Coaching
    Every class is coached from start to finish. Every class feedback, cues, and encouragement is given. Small incremental changes breed success. Our coaches will help you get better everyday.
  5. Social
    Spend time with like minded people that are looking to get better and talk about something besides work.
  6. Structured Program
    Our program is varied not random. Mixing weightlifting, gymnastics, and monostructural movements. Heavy workouts, long workouts, intervals. Pushes, pulls, squats, and unilateral movements.  All these things are planned to help create a broad and inclusive range of fitness to attack life with.
  7. Structured Class
    From start to finish, one hour of fitness that is planned to maximize the hour. Come in relax and hit the workout led by a coach.
  8. Adaptable Workouts and Movements
    Life can throw a lot at you; our goal is to be able to handle anything. However, somethings are harder than others, like a pull up. When pull ups are in a workout our coaches have planned modifications for the workout so everyone still gets a similar stimulus and work towards getting that pull up.
Did we miss any benefits of group classes? What do you think of group classes?  Have any other thoughts, questions, or comments?  Let us know.

Looking to give our group classes a try?  The first 2 classes are FREE.

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