Quick Cold Oats

Hot oatmeal can be goopy, mushy and all around not great. Quick cold oats on the other hand is amazing.

  • 65 g - Quick Oats

  • 110 g Water, adjust depending on your desired consistency (or milk, almond milk, etc)

  • 25 g - Whey Isolate

  • 2 tsp - Cinnamon

  • 2 tbsp Raisins

  • Fresh grated nutmeg, to taste

Add the oats to a bowl and pour water over the oats making sure all the oats are wet. Overtime just the amount of the water to your desired consistency.

Ideally the oats would sit in the water for 5 to 10 minutes but if in a pinch just mix and go.

Add the whey, cinnamon, raisins, and nutmeg then combine.

This can be eaten immediately or put in the fridge over night. Note if done overnight the oats become soft and the texture will be much different.

Make your own twist on this, use blueberries, take out the cinnamon, build it for your taste.

What would you add/remove if you tried making this oatmeal? What is your favorite style of oatmeal? What is your go to breakfast? Seriously I want to know.


Ps. The oly clinic is finally going to happen. I have had so many people ask about it. Want to be the first in the know about the details? What to be the first in line for the limited spots? Sign Up.


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