May Member Spotlight: Ed O'Hara

  1.  How did you get started on your CrossFit journey?  
    In my basement. I was searching for something more challenging and interesting  than running and weights to keep me in shape as I got older. I also wanted to stay fit enough to keep snowboarding and playing lacrosse. I started by following the WODs on CFs main page. Of course, I taught myself Olympic movements improperly. When I finally went to a CF gym, it took a year and a half to correct my mistakes. 

  2. Best advice for someone thinking of joining Equity?  
    Do it. You will get great training. More importantly, you will be surrounded by good people that will support you in your journey of good health. Chances are, you will also make some new good friends. 

  3. How many years have you been a member?  
    Almost 3!

  4. What was your first impression? 
    Family! The first day I went to the gym I was greeted by a 6’5” man I had never met. He called me Uncle Ed with a big smile on his face. I was totally confused. It turns out that Berek Bryan had told Ryan that I was coming, but not told me about Ryan. It turns out, Ryan and his wife Jamie share my last name How else could he greet me?  

  5. How has that first impression changed? 
    It hasn’t changed. I am still tight with Ryan and Jamie O’Hara. I’m addition, many of the best friends I have made since moving to Maryland three years ago are people I have met at Equity. In addition, some of the most loyal and supportive customers I have at my bar are friends I have made at Equity. During the struggles faced during the pandemic, my Equity family members have regularly come to support our business. I believe they have done this because they really care about me and my wife and the health of our business. For that, I am thankful. 

  6. How has the gym improved your life? 
    It is a place I can help keep myself strong. It is a place I can go to have a break from my busy days. It is a place I can go to be surrounded by friends. 

  7. What do you do for a living and how has CrossFit impacted that?  
    My wife and I own a bed and breakfast and a rum bar in Chesapeake City.  As I mentioned, several of our regular guests are friends we have made at Equity.  In addition, CrossFit enables me to practice focus and commitment to a strong work ethic.  This is the same type of effort I put into running my business.  I believe it helps me be a good business owner.  Staying strong and relatively fit also helps me keep up with the physical rigors of my job.  Whether it is climbing a ladder or lifting Adirondack chairs all afternoon, I am strong enough to be up to the challenge.  

Favorites, Just for Fun

Food - peanut butter 
Color - orange
Movie - Rocky
Holiday - Christmas. I love seeing the happiness in the eyes of my grandchildren. 
CrossFit movement - Anything not called burpees. 

Thank you Ed for being a member of our Equity Family! 

Thank you,
Kelli Roy


Slow Down to Go Faster


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