March Spotlight Member - Vince Carcirieri

  1. How did you get started on your CrossFit journey?
    The impetus for CrossFitting was a combination of wanting to physically and mentally challenge myself, boredom with the routine of perpetual running, and full-blown, blatant narcissism. I wanted to be one of the pretty ones on the boats and at the beaches.

  2. How many years have you been a member at Equity?
    I am coming up on my fourth or fifth year here, I believe, at Equity Fitness.

  3. Best advice for someone thinking of starting CrossFit?
    I would advise new CrossFitters not to compare themselves to others. When I first started - and with my propensity toward mild-to-unrealistic self-criticism - that was an issue. Thus, to borrow what Alfred Hitchcock said to his actors that took themselves too seriously ("Ingrid, it's only a movie!"), I would underscore here, too, to newcomers: It's only a workout. It's sometimes good to step back, remember that, and cut yourself some slack.

  4. What was your first impression? How has that changed?
    My first impression of CrossFit and the CrossFit community, at large, was that it was a community of total and utter beasts. X-Men. Superheroes. While that first impression has not been disproven, I've added a few qualifiers now: it's a community of hard-working, committed, tender, will-always-have-your-back beasts.

  5. How has the gym impacted your life?
    Well, considering this past weekend or so, when I was pulled up out of my chair and spotlighted onstage by a drag queen down at Rehoboth's Pines, being oogled and ogled by an entire gay bar - I would say that I am, at least, moderately pretty now and that it's impacting my life pretty fabulously.

  6. What do you do for a living and how has CrossFit been beneficial?
    Currently, I work in higher education. CrossFit has sharpened my mind and intensified my thought processes.

  7. How will the gym improve your life in the future?
    The gym - and CrossFit, as a whole - will continue inspiring me, pushing me, and keeping me grounded in health and wellness.

  8. What is your favorite story/memory at the gym?
    I have more favorite moments than memories at the gym. For instance, I love summertime CrossFitting at Equity Fitness. To wit, if it's 5:30 p.m. / 6:30 p.m., it's hot outside, the sun's just going down, and there's long metered running where I am with everyone - that's heaven to me. It's a community.

Spaghetti Carbonara or Bucatini all'Amatriciana with a toasted piece of garlic bread. And a glass of wine.
Color: Green.
Movie: Oh, gosh! It would be easier to just say anything on Turner Classic. But, it would be either All About Eve or The Philadelphia Story. I am a worshipper of Bette Davis and Katharine Hepburn.
Holiday: Halloween.
TV Show: Will & Grace. I quote it enough.
CrossFit Movement: Oh, that's easy: Box Jumps. Maybe Wall Balls. Perhaps a combo of the two. I guess the "Kelly" WOD itself.

Thank you Vince for being a part of the Equity Family!



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