Killing ANTs

ANTs are automatic negative thoughts.

This is a concept I literally just found out about last week. It is from the author Jim Kwik. His book Limitless is on my short list to read next, it is about the things you can do to “upgrade” your brain. What are the chances that consistently eating real whole food and exercising are on the the list? :)

I wrote a few week ago about the one person that can change your life, that person is you. ANTs are another version of this concept. If you are constantly telling yourself you are fat, not fit, bad at wall balls, bad with money, not good at public speaking, or a slow reader you are going to be those things.

You are the stories that you constantly tell yourself. If you wake up in the morning and tell yourself I am the type of person that gets up as soon as my alarm goes off, I am the type of person that works out everyday (group class and walks outside), I am the type of person that goes to the park with my kids twice a week, I am the type of person that reads everyday you are going to become that person.

When you give yourself those affirmations daily and say them out loud (to yourself) you will start to be that person. Kill those ANTS. Use them as triggers to reaffirm a positive thought. As soon as the negative thought comes in replace it or if you have the same thought everyday at a certain time start the positive thought before it.

I am really looking forward to reading more about killing ANTs and some of Kwik’s other concepts. If you have read Limitless already let me know what you thought. If you are interested in reading it let me know, I love talking about books.


Ps. Hope you guys liked this one about ANTs. I have never written about a concept I just learned about. Writing about it forced me to really think about the concept and reinforce it in my head. If you have any cool ideas, books, podcasts that you think I might like please shoot them my way.


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