June Spotlight Member - Jason Budrecki

  1. How did you get started on your CrossFit journey?
    In 2018 I came to Equity with a friend (Mike McNally- who was a member at the time) and we did the CrossFit Open.  We worked out together off and on and I came back and did the CF Open again in 2019.  I decided to join in February 2021 after dropping in and doing some partner workouts on Saturdays because I liked the workouts and the fun environment.

  2. How long have you been a member?
    Almost 2.5 years

  3. Best advice for someone thinking of joining Equity?
    Come try it! There are convenient class times throughout the day.  It is very motivating to workout with other people coupled with the fact that you do a workout that is suitable for you.  You start where you need to start.  Coaches will help you modify the workout so you can be successful and work at your ability level.  There is also nutrition guidance available if that is something you are interested in.

  4. What was your first impression and how has that changed?
    So much energy!  I came with a friend and the vibe was very welcoming.  My impression hasn’t changed but I have changed.  I am not as reckless, I give more thought to what I am doing and listen to my body.

  5. How has the gym improved your life?  How will the gym improve your life in the future?
    The gym has made me accountable for the choices I make.  I’ve lost almost 40 pounds, I sleep better, I eat better and hopefully I can be a role model for my friends and family.  The fitness I have gained has allowed me to participate in some really cool events such as the Grape Gravel Crusher (biking), a Tough Mudder, a Savage Race and I am currently training for a half marathon.  I have also made some really good lifelong friendships at Equity.

  6. What do you do for a living and how has CrossFit impacted that?
    I do construction work and CrossFit has allowed me to be more efficient at work as I am stronger, more flexible and I just move better.  I pack my lunch now instead of eating out and take a walk during my breaks.  This has motivated some of my coworkers to start doing the same.  

  7. What is your proudest moment at the gym?
    Getting my first muscle up!

Food - Pizza/Ice cream
TV Show - Seinfeld
Color - Green
Holiday - Thanksgiving/Christmas
Movie - Casino
CrossFit Movement - Cleans


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