Sue's Journey to Working Out


Sue was born in 1960 and never really had an affinity for exercising or working out. When she was 38 her husband, Paul, started working out at the YMCA and also found a nutritionist, he journeyed into triathlons and ironmans, now he is trail running and a member at Equity.

During that time Sue was supportive of Paul’s new pursuits but the interest never worked its way to Sue. She helped with the new eating habits and went to the races and competitions to support Paul.

When Paul joined Equity in 2015 he jumped right in, hitting the workouts consistently, attending outside events, competitions, and participating in challenges. Sue would often attend these event and started getting to know the other Equity members. Eventually Sue and Paul would start hosting Equity get-togethers and that is when we really got to know Sue.

After seeing results from some Equity members that were close to Sue’s age, she decided to test the waters by working on her nutrition. Once realizing she was capable of making changes to her eating habits and again seeing her peers working out at the gym she started with Personal Training sessions. Now the snowball started building some momentum.

Next came the Legends class. This class is dedicated to anyone over 40 and currently meets once a week. Once building her confidence in the Legends class Sue started adding our group classes along side the Legends class to her weekly workouts.


This story brings a smile to my face every time I read it. Paul is constantly telling me stories about him and Sue talking about the best strategy for a workout during breakfast, doing wall balls next to each other in class, and planning meals for the week. These things would have been inconceivable just a few years ago. It makes me think about the Chinese proverb “The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second best time to plant a tree is NOW.”


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Thank you for taking the time to read Sue’s story and thank you Sue for letting me share your journey.



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