September Member Spotlight: Emmanuel Chavero

  1.  How did you get started on your CrossFit journey? 
    One day, I was driving by the old gym on my way to a job site, when I saw some people jumping and swinging around. They looked like they were having fun- it seemed like a game! I went on my way but I never forgot how interesting it looked and that there was an "open" sign. I had just joined another local gym but I was getting bored trying to motivate myself to work out. The next day, I went back and asked for some information. I signed up for my free class. That is where my journey began. The first class kicked my butt; but the next day I seriously felt like a million bucks. I was sore, but I had a lot of energy. Even still, I told myself the workouts were too hard and I wouldn't return. But I was given three free classes, so hey, I ended up going back. What I learned is that the workouts are new every time, which kept me interested! Also, I liked the atmosphere of this gym. It was more about encouraging each other over competing to see who was best. So I decided to sign up... and seven years later I still look forward to going to the gym. I like that I can check the workout a day ahead which motivates me to show up. Sometimes I'm not a fan of all of the exercises, but then I remember how far I've come since that first workout.  

  2.  How many years have you been a member at Equity?  
    Seven years

  3.  What is your best advice for someone who is thinking of joining Equity?
    This gym is really for everyone, (unlike other gyms I have tried.) You'll see that the exercises are made for any person no matter where you are in your fitness journey. The coaches are awesome at giving support and recommending modifications.     Take things at your own pace but use the encouragement from your fellow members when you need a boost.     I like that you never feel like you're alone when you work out here. They are like family to me. I promise you won't regret trying it. There is nothing better than investing in yourself. 

   A little bit about Emmanuel:  

  1. Favorite way to spend time outside of the gym? 
    While Equity settles my physical body, going to mass settles my mind. I feel so at peace on the days I go to Equity and then to mass! I also enjoy spending time with my family. 

  2. What is your favorite food? 

  3. Favorite movie? 
    Avatar, Apocalypto, Passion of the Christ

  4. Favorite colors? 
    Silver and Blue

  5. Favorite holiday? 
    Thanksgiving - the gravy!

  6. What is your favorite CrossFit movement?
    Toes to Bar 

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Thank you for reading.
Kelli Roy


Thank You


Building Functional Capacity for Living Life