Journey Towards Better - Part 1: Finding a Mentor

Two quotes came to mind when I started thinking about mentors.

1) “In order to lead you must first be able to follow” (not sure who is credited for this one)
2) “What the wise do in the beginning, fools do in the end” - Warren Buffet

I used to wonder why I never had any mentors in my adult life. My parents, coaches, and some teachers were obviously mentors growing up but as I graduated college and entered the “real” world I realized I didn’t really have that anymore.

Then 2 or 3 years into starting Equity I started reading a lot of fiction and I realized I had been neglecting this source of improvement. These books would give me so much to think about and so much to take action on. My growth started exploding.

I started noticing that mentors kept coming up in a lot of the books I was reading. Finding one or a few people to talk to, ask questions to, and help guide you through hard times and through plateaus. I assumed it should just kind of happen, they would seek me out. Well that is not how it works.

There is only one person that can make your life better and that person is YOU. No one else is going to find you a mentor or just start helping you get better. You must seek out that help, you must do the leg work, you must ask the questions.

You have already started this process for your health and fitness. Joining Equity gives you access to a group of coaches (mentors) that want to help you improve your quality of life. You went out of your way to improve yourself and work towards better. Working on your health and fitness will help make all other areas of your life easier.

You have taken the first step. Lets start looking for a mentor to help with your career or that business you want to start or improving your financial situation or just someone that can help you in all aspects of your life.

Here is how to find a Mentor
1) Start looking around your life for people you already know and you look up to. Another option is someone you know or look up too but you don’t personally know them. Finally ask around, talk to your friends and people you respect if they know someone.
2) Ask the potential mentor out for coffee, breakfast, or lunch. You should prepare for this. Have questions, topics ready, take notes.
3) Say thank you and show your gratitude.

Find someone that you can learn from and will help you grow. Your already your best advocate in yourself and you have Equity. Lets take that next step on the journey towards better.

What do you think about having a mentor? Do you have a mentor now? Do you need help finding one?
Let me know.

Ready to invest in yourself and take the next step on your health and fitness journey?
Book a  'Virtual No Sweat Intro'.


PS. Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to read this. I hope it helps move the needle in your life.


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