Jump Rope Hair Hack - The Headband Bun

You are in the middle of a workout and it is going great. Big sets on the jump rope and then you can slowly feel your bun sliding out and now your hair is all over the place and you have to stop the workout to redo the bun.

This has happened countless times in the gym. I see it happen every time there is a jump rope workout.

Thanks to one of our members Jen McDonald we have a strategy to help you out.


Say hello to the “Headband Bun”

Jen has been using this for the past few months and has been having some great success with it.

This is such a simple and effective solution to a problem that most people with long hair have. Thank you for sharing your innovative idea Jen.

Below is a video that was not planned and was in the middle of the workout. This was the 2nd round of the workout.

The workout was 3 Rounds of 10 OHS and 50 Double Unders.

Do you have any tricks, pieces of advice, hacks that you would like to share with the Equity community? Let me know. berek.bryan@equity.fitness

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