The Type of Effort you Are Missing

Effort is a choice is a phrase we use a lot in the gym. When you put intentional effort in, results will come.

The type of effort that we generally think of when it comes to training is the brute force, do work type of effort. This type of effort is pushing harder, working harder, going faster, lifting more, more volume, etc. This type of effort can only take you so far. This type of effort will only provide short term results.

Our goal at Equity is to help you become healthier, fitter in the next 5 years not next month. We are looking for long term, sustainable results.

Instead of hitting every workout with the effort and intensity of a competition, we need to take a step back and put our effort into mindfully working on moving well and establishing good habits. If we just focus on going fast and hard we don’t learn how to stay safe and efficient while going fast and hard.

Channeling your energy and focus into actually moving through a warm-up with purpose, moving through being coached with intention, and focusing on making every rep better than the last. That is another level of effort.

Think about a professional golfer. If all they ever focus on is getting the lowest score when ever they play they will eventually plateau. Golfers will go to the driving range and practice and train, they will practice their putting. They will also play rounds of golf where the goal is not to shoot their best round but to work on different parts of their game.

Another way to put this is the difference between practice, training, and competing. During a class we want to move through the warm-up and coached reps with purpose and actively work on getting better. Instead of just going through the motions and looking at your phone between sets. During the group workout is a great time to work on those new skills and to refine them just like the golfer.

It is a process building new habits and it takes time. The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg is a great book about building habits and the power behind good and bad habits.

The standard focus of effort towards moving faster, going heavier, and doing more can only get you so far. At some point there must be effort focused towards moving with intention and purpose to develop skills and mechanics.

The kicker of all this effort put into intention and mechanics is that in the long term it will allow you to stay healthier and go faster.

What do you think about focusing more effort on moving well and with intention? Have you seen benefits from doing this? Do you want to start putting more focus on this area? Let me know in the comments or email

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