Michelle's Story

For Nurse Week, May 6th to the 11th we would like to spotlight former School Nurse Michelle Ness. We are super proud of all her hardwork. Below is her story starting at Equity.

January 2018 was the start of a new chapter for me. I resigned my full time position, as a School Nurse, to devote myself to my PhD full time and simultaneously decided that it was time to do something about my health. I was constantly fighting a cold or other illness, was terribly out of shape, was drinking waaaay too much wine, and most definitely eating too much. I was struggling to lose the 20-25 pounds that I put on over the course of the past few years and really wanted to find a solution for my problem. I had prior experience with moderate success doing CrossFit in 2012, so decided to give Equity a try. I was too afraid to join the group classes (everyone looked so fit and super strong and I was very intimidated) so I met with Krista privately to try to build up enough strength/endurance to participate in the classes. Working with Krista showed me how de-conditioned I really was. I started talking with her about what my goals were and how I could work to meet them. To my surprise, I would likely not be able to meet my goal of looking better without changing my diet (!). As a nurse, I thought I was making good choices with my diet, but the reality was very different.

Krista was super patient with me as I grumbled my way through giving up my sugary standard American diet for a new way of eating focused on macronutrients. My whole perspective changed. I went from wanting to look better to wanting to feel better. I went from not being able to zip my pants to having to buy new, much smaller pants. I went from feeling defeated to feeling empowered. When Krista went on maternity leave, she introduced me to Jamie. Jamie helped me continue my journey and eventually, I joined the classes. Eight months after I started, I was down 40 pounds (!), but more importantly I felt great. This was enough proof for me. Over the course of the past year at Equity, I have gained not only new friends, but a new family. While there are many things that are still a struggle for me, I look forward to coming to the gym and am definitely looking forward to continuing to grow as an athlete with a great group of people who support each other.


Do you have any questions or comments for Michelle? Want to get some 1-1 Nutrition coaching?

Interested in giving Equity a try? Check out how to get started.



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