Coach Tips to Help you on your Fitness Journey - Part 1

On any journey there are ups and downs, weaving, and dodging. Having goals to strive for is awesome but enjoying the journey will make reaching those goals even better.

Below are top 5 tips from three of our coaches Megan, Cole, and Krista.

Megan's Top Five

  • Understanding the importance of rest, recovery, and down regulation. Also the way stress affects performance and injury frequency.

  • Understanding the importance of choosing reasonable weight for workouts. No point in going too heavy; the risks far outweigh the benefits.

  • Understanding the importance of nutrition and sleep.

  • Learning to go back to training some days, practice some days and competition some days...not competition every day.

  • Learning to use workouts to enhance my life, instead of trying to use my life to enhance my workouts (Big Picture shift).

Cole's Top Five

  • Importance of Nutrition
    Keep super simple until ready for more info. (i.e. eat a veggie, protein, and starch for all 3 meals). Portion sizes matter. It can be overwhelming to really dig into nutrition up front. Need small victories overtime and keep building off our past success and knowledge base.

  • Importance of Sleep & Rest / Recovery Days
    The body needs to recover. Both through sleep and rest days. Taking rest days can be hard but in order to get better recovery must happen.

  • Progress is Progress / Celebrate Personal Victories
    Don’t compare to anyone but yesterdays self. Remembering the excitement of getting my first double under, my first unassisted pull up, etc. Sometimes when I celebrate our athletes today they respond “oh thanks but I only did level 1”. They need to know that progress should be celebrated no matter how big or small. Level 1 is not any less difficult than level 3, it’s just relative to the athletes current capability.

  • Importance of Adequate Warm Up
    Taking the warm up seriously and even spending a little extra time before class on areas you know are personal limitations.

  • Doesn’t Always have to be a Metcon
    Doesn’t always need to be a Metcon to get you healthier. Pre-hab and rehab are super helpful for the longevity in the fitness world (I really bought into this with midline work to fix my back. It was huge). Strength is obviously also essential to breeding improvement, injury prevention, and results.

Krista's Top Five

  • Learning Oly Movements 
    Help with everything else

  • The Basics. Mechanics, Consistency, then Intensity.
    Sound movement will help reduce injury risk and help improve overall fitness in the long run.

  • More Dialed in Nutrition
    Real whole foods with consistency.

  • Focusing on building Skills and Strength
    One thing at a time. Build the skills and strength to allow moving faster, safer, and more efficient. 

  • Have Fun
    Laugh, hang out, don't take every workout as a benchmark. Enjoy it.

What tips would you give to other members? Do you have any questions about the tips? Let us know.

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