Krista's First Post-Baby Competition


I have always enjoyed the "sport" of CrossFit; watching the elite tackle the CrossFit Games or participating in local competitions every now and then to drive my inner athlete.  

After having Eleanor 9 months ago, my goals, training, and time spent in the gym have changed a little.  After my 8 week clearance by the doctor and healing of my C-section, I began my journey back into the gym.  

I started out slow and listened to how my body felt during and after workouts.  I was able to get in 1-3 workouts a week at a very modified intensity and modifying the loading and/or movements to what my body could handle.  As time past and my body grew stronger, I was able to slowly add more movements and weight loading back in or even an extra workout day.

Fast forward to about 3 months ago, I signed up to do the Dynamic Duo Partner Competition with the hubby.  I had not been training for a competition, but at this point was able to train close to 5-6 days a week, usually just doing the class workout, making sure to have at least 1-2 rest days for recovery and/or listening to my body as the week progressed.

For me, I have always been an athlete, and have always had a desire to compete at some level; but just what is competition?  In my experience, the competition for me was against myself.  How much can I do to be the best I can be, which sometimes led to my best performances and unexpected achievements.  I don't ever think "I'm going to win this or beat this person," I always just try to do my best and see where it takes me.  With all that, this particular competition was more about fun (as they all still should be) and being on a team with Berek for the first time; but that doesn't mean I wasn't going to be putting in my best effort.

In past competitions, I always became really nervous; but this time around I was much less nervous.  I can't really say why, but maybe because I am just fortunate enough to be able to do this again after having a baby 9 months ago and being on a team with my biggest support person.  The workouts were hard and in training thought possibly not able for our team to finish, but during the competition we put our best efforts in and were able to complete both workouts withing the time cap; the max lift events also went well, only being shy of my all time personal record by 10 pounds (finishing the Snatch with 130 pounds).

In summary, I must say I am glad I chose to do this competition; being able to go through the experience of having a baby and then working my way back up the ladder and being able to enjoy working out and challenging myself with my partner by my side along the way means everything.  I hope this will help those that feel set back because of one reason or another that you can do it.  No matter where you are in your journey, as long as you keep striving to do your best, you will win that "competition" and exceed your expectations.


Do you have any stories about Equity or CrossFit you want to share? Did my story help you?
Let me know.

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