Don't be a D*** Volume #1 - Open Mind and Seek Knowledge

If you have been a member of the gym for longer then 3 months you have probably heard of Rule #1 - don't be a dick.

The real rule number one is to do the right thing, regardless of the circumstances. But don't be a dick is funnier.

I always considered myself to be open minded and I am constantly seeking to learn new things. However to show how adamant we are about embracing those values we can find ourselves doing the opposite. Learning from those mistakes is what will truly make us better.

Randy and the Rope Climb
Randy is currently a member at the gym but for a time he was also a coach. He knows what he is doing and like all coaches was constantly watching video and reading articles to get better.

Well one afternoon Randy comes to me and shows me an update to the standard basket technique (the technique we currently use today). I, being the owner and head coach, thought that is silly it is just extra work and kinda just blow Randy off by saying something like "interesting Randy, I think it will slow me down though".

Fast forward a few weeks later and a video from the CrossFit Competitor seminar came out from Chris Spealler and Matt Chan. In the video Chris and Matt show the exact same method that Randy had shown me and that I had completely blown off. I watched that video and thought this is awesome it will totally make me better at rope climbs and help save my grip.

Later it dawned on me that due to my perception of being "the head coach" I completely closed my mind to a great technique. I perceived Randy as not knowing as much as me but when someone I perceived as a higher authority said it I listened.

I kick myself every time I tell this story or think about it. I try to tell this story often so people don't repeat my mistakes.

Randy thank you for helping me learn a life lesson and being a wonderful friend. :)

The lesson of the story is you can learn from anyone. Keep your mind open and seek knowledge.

You ready to give Equity a try? Book a 'No Sweat Intro'.

Have a question or comment about the topic above? I would love to hear about it, let me know.



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