11 Items to Help Mobility and Recover at Home

Looking to work some shoulder mobility to help the snatch or trying to recover from those back squats? Below is some gear to help you out.

1. PVC Pipe
Purpose - Stretch aid and balance. Light Barbell to practice movements and positions. Should be about 5 feet long.
Movements - Pass-through, Egg Beaters, Side Stretch, Leg Swings, All Barbell Movements, etc

On the Cheap - Broomstick in your closet
Upgrade - PVC $2.00 @ Hardware Store

2. Foam Roller
Purpose - Massage muscle pain, knots, and adhesions.
Movements - Quads, Back, Lats, IT Band, etc

On The Cheap - Standard Foam https://amzn.to/33kmZ0U
Upgrade - Trigger Point https://amzn.to/2BVBzRs

3. Lacrosse Balls (Single or Peanut) and Golf Balls
Purpose - Fine tune massaging of muscle pain, knots, and adhesions.
Movements - T-Spine, Shoulders, Feet, Knee Area, etc

On the Cheap - Used Lax Ball, Baseball, Tennis Ball, Dive into golf pond and get used ball
Upgrade - New Lax Ball https://amzn.to/3i0XtlI

4. Softball or Supernova
Purpose - Broad strokes for massaging of muscle pain, knots, and adhesions. Finer than foam roller but not as fine as lax ball.
Movements - T-Spine, Shoulders, Feet, Knee Area, etc

On the Cheap - Softball
Upgrade -
2.5 inch Massage Ball https://amzn.to/39R02DZ
Rogue Supernova http://www.roguefitness.com/?a_aid=5e3760704a379

5. Voodoo Band
Purpose - Improve range of motion, restore joint mechanics, and un-glue matted down tissue (including previously injured tissue).
Movements - Knees, Shoulders, Ankles, Sleeper stretch, etc

On the Cheap - A tough ace bandage or PT Bands
Upgrade - https://amzn.to/3k7fGQ8
Rogue also sells them http://www.roguefitness.com/?a_aid=5e3760704a379

6. Monster Band
Purpose - Stretch aid and resistance training
Movements - Shoulder mobility, Good Mornings, Leg Stretches, etc

On the Cheap - Piece of rope or some bands lying around in your parents house.
Upgrade - https://amzn.to/2DbDnGw
Rogue also sells them http://www.roguefitness.com/?a_aid=5e3760704a379

7. The Stick
Purpose - Fine tune massaging of muscle pain, knots, and adhesions.
Movements - Ankle, Quads, Calves, etc

On the Cheap - Rolling Pin
Upgrade - The Stick https://amzn.to/3hSHV3k

8. Mats - Gymnastic Mat, Yoga Mat, and Abmat
Purpose - Padded surface for joints in weird positions.
Movements - Couch stretch, Pigeon Pose, Midline work, Yoga

On the Cheap - Pillow, blanket, anything large and soft
Upgrade -

9. Scraper Tools
Purpose - Precision method for targeting trigger points and muscle bellies.
Movements - Calves, thighs, hips, forearms, shoulders, neck, etc

On the Cheap - Butter-knife

10. Muscle Stimulators
Purpose - Stimulates muscle with a current to help warm muscles up and flush out damaged tissue (recovery)
Movements - Any place with fatigue, soreness, or that needs to be warmed up.
Cost - 150$ to 1000$
On the Cheap - Amazom 30$

11. Percussive Implement
Purpose - Percussive therapy
Movements - legs, shoulders, back. Any place with tightness or soreness.
Cost - 600$
On the Cheap - Build your own 100$

Did we forget something? Do you have any questions about the items or use these items?
Let us know.

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