Equity Fitness

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Paul's Heart

Paul's Heart Story

In the 90's Paul Palmer was your typical slightly over weight dad working and coaching his kids' soccer team. After his dad had a heart attack Paul made the decision to make his health a priority. He started eating better and training for triathlons. Soon after, he was competing in Ironman races and running marathons. Then in 2014 he joined CrossFit Equity. At Equity he continued his journey into improving his nutrition, sleep, and workout regimen.

During a trail run with friends in June of 2018 Paul had a heart attack which was related to heredity issues, and had to be taken to the hospital. Doctors found a 95% blockage in Paul's right coronary artery. After a brief stay in the hospital he had the blockage removed and a stent put in.

Due to his level of fitness Paul was able to make a full recovery and move through recovery and rehab at an accelerated pace. He is now back to working out and trail running. 6 weeks after his heart attack Paul's cardiologist released him to resume his full exercise level. He was told that the only reason he was alive was because of his fitness level and exercise regimen. This is one of the reasons we want to lead an active lifestyle. An active lifestyle, including CrossFit, helps build a hedge against sickness (to learn more about the sickness-wellness-fitness continuum check this out, https://equity.fitness/equity-blog/2018/9/12/sickness-wellness-fitness-continuum-hedge-against-sickness

Paul is now coaching a 40 year old and over CrossFit class every Wednesday at 4:00 PM with another Equity member Kelli Roy (Kelli is a Physical Education teacher at Kenmore Elementary). After experiencing first hand what fitness can do to help combat sickness and chronic disease he has a new enthusiasm for helping others become active and healthy.

The Equity Master's Class is designed for all skill levels. From never working out, to walking 3 days a week, to in the gym everyday.
