Equity Fitness

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The Plate Method but with a Bowl

Here at Equity we are big fans of the plate method. We want to help make nutrition simple and sustainable so you can reach your health and fitness goals.

The plate method breaks your meals into three parts, 1) Protein, 1/4 of your plate 2) Non-starchy Vegetables, 1/2 of your plate and finally 3) Starchy Vegetables, 1/4 of your plate.

The plate method doesn’t have to strictly be a plate it can be a bowl.

  • Smoothies - Greek yogurt, veggies, berries, oats, whey protein (fit your plate into your smoothie)

  • Crockpot - protein (pork/beef roast), veggies, potatoes

  • Soups - protein (left over chicken), veggies, potatoes/rice

  • Casseroles - Egg bake with veggies

  • Snacks - Greek yogurt with berries and oats (most snacks lack protein, try and find a snack with some protein to keep you fuller and is more nutritious)

Think outside the plate but keep the ratios.

Need some guidance and accountability? Email me to setup a 20 minute No Sweat Intro to talk about how to get you moving towards your goals.

Thank you,
Krista Bryan