Equity Fitness

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The One Person That Can Change Your Life

It is you.

You can have the best coach, teacher, mentor, boss, spouse, best friend, etc in the world but there is only one person that can change your life and that is you.

  • I can’t get in shape because I don’t have the equipment.

  • I can’t save money because I don’t make enough.

  • I can’t learn the violin because I don’t have the time.

  • My project is over time and budget because of my co-workers.

  • My boss won’t give me that promotion.

  • I can’t get a toes to bar.

  • I want to eat better but my significate other is always baking cookies.

Instead of focusing on things you cannot control take extreme ownership over the things you can control. This is a wonderful concept by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin.

Let’s take our first example about getting in shape. It is very easy to get discouraged when you think you “need” some piece of equipment to get in shape, instead challenge yourself and take ownership that YOU can make a change. No equipment needed for tabata sprints, push-ups, sit-up, couch dips, milk jug walking lunges. Consistently take action everyday towards your goal.

Instead of being a victim of your circumstances do everything you can do to make the situation better. Control what you can control. Take complete ownership of your actions and results. This will ensure that you have the best chance of success. Success is not guaranteed but you are the one person that can make this change for yourself.
