Equity Fitness

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Mandy Myers - 2024 QF Athlete

We have 19 of our members make it to the Quarterfinals of the CrossFit Games this year. These individuals are the top 25% of the field. What helps them reach this level of success? Lets find out.

Mandy qualified for Individual Women and Women (35-39)

1. How often do you train? What do you do for recovery? What does your nutrition look like?
I like to take class 5 days a week plus open gym on Sunday. This year I've experimented with taking two rest days, or a rest day and a couple of accessory days, to improve recovery. I've also tried to prioritize getting more sleep this year. With nutrition, I loosely hit macros, focus on protein, and minimize processed foods.

2. Why do you work out? Do you like competing?
I work out because it's fun! I particularly love the feelings of swinging around on the bar, jumping, and sprinting. I'm trying to convince myself to love the feeling of squatting! I normally find competition very stressful, but have focused on having fun this year rather than putting pressure on myself to perform, and I'm starting to enjoy it more again.

3. What are your top 3 favorite workout movements?
Toes to bar, bar muscle ups, and strict pull-ups!

4. What was your goal for the Open? What is your goal for QF?
My goal for the open was to have fun and not stress about my scores. My goal for quarter finals will probably be similar - I'm not an elite athlete, so there's no need to worry about advancing! I'm a little worried about doing 4 intense workouts in such a short time, so I also hope I can avoid injury.

5. What is your daytime gig?
I teach middle school band and orchestra.

6. How do you balance working out with life?
Teaching will take as much of your time as you're willing to give it. Coming to the gym after school has helped me to leave work at a more reasonable time, rather than staying for an hour or more to get more stuff done.

7. Do you have any other hobbies?
I spend a lot of time working in my flower garden in the season, I suppose you could call that a hobby!

8. What advice would you give to ....

someone just starting their workout journey?
Think long term. These are habits you want to build for life. Ease your way into classes, aim for consistency, and don't expect too much of yourself right away. You might not see tons of progress in the first week or month, but I guarantee this will change your life if you keep at it!

someone wanting to reach QF in the future?
The Open tends to be all about pacing. Start slower than you think you need to, and try to stay steady or even speed up as you get towards the end. That, and work on your double unders and kipping, as both seem to come up every year.