Equity Fitness

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Kelli Roy - 2024 QF Athlete

We have 19 of our members make it to the Quarterfinals of the CrossFit Games this year. These individuals are the top 25% of the field. What helps them reach this level of success? Lets find out.

Kelli qualified for Individual Women and Women (55-49)

1. How often do you train? What do you do for recovery? What does your nutrition look like?
I am in the gym 5-6 days a week. A couple of days I go hard and a couple of days I go to move and/or do supplemental work. Trying to find some balance there.
For recovery I walk, jog and stretch/work on mobility. I have also started getting massages every couple of months and I check in with my physical therapist every 4-8 weeks.
Currently I am tracking on My Fitness Pal - making sure I get enough protein.

2. Why do you workout? Do you like competing?
I love working out! I like being healthy and strong and challenging myself. There is always something to learn and something to improve. I enjoy the social aspect of classes.

I don’t like to compete like I used to. Masters competitions would be fun but they are hard to find.

3. What are your top 3 favorite workout movements?
Anything jump rope, power cleans, TTB

4. What was your goal for the Open? What is your goal for QF?
My goal for the open has been the same since I turned 55 and that is to make the top 10% all the way through 55-59. So far so good.

I don’t have a goal for the quarterfinals, just do my best and try to enjoy the experience.

5. What is your daytime gig?
My daytime gig in retirement (I was a teacher for 32 years) is coaching and participating in CF and doing some personal training. When I’m not at the gym I hike with my dog, try and help my husband with all his projects and I like to read.

6. How do you balance working out with life?
Balancing working out with life is much easier in retirement. When I was teaching I went to class at 6am and felt like I was always in a rush. Now my life is much calmer.

7. Do you have any other hobbies?
Travel has become a hobby of sorts. Andy (my husband) and I like to hike and visit the national parks. My oldest son (Nick) lives in London so international travel is also something we have been enjoying. My youngest son (Luke) is married and lives in Bel Air MD so we hang out with them when we can.

8. What advice would you give to ....

someone just starting their workout journey?
Advice for someone starting their workout journey - be consistent, put in the work, take care of yourself and most of all enjoy yourself - find your people and help keep each other accountable.

someone wanting to reaching QF in the future?
Advice for people wanting to make quarterfinals - put in extra work (mobility, supplemental work, strength work, skill work), ask for help if you are struggling, make sure you are eating right and getting enough sleep.