Equity Fitness

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How you do Anything is How you do Everything

Generally different parts of life bleed into other parts of life. When you start taking control of your health and fitness other areas of your life improve. Why is that? To improve your health it has to be a habit it has to be consistent and when you do something habitually it starts to change you.

Getting exercise is a keystone habit, which is a habit that creates other positive habits. You are exercising, so I should probably start eating better. You start saying to yourself “I am a healthy person” and you start doing things that healthy people do.

When you start working out with others you learn how to focus on a single task, you learn what hard feels like, you learn how to plan and execute that plan, you learn to meet standards and to do the right thing. All these actions repeated over and over again build habits and these habits will bleed over into other areas of your life.

Don’t just go through the motions. Do what you know you are capable of doing. What would happen if you started putting in another level of effort into your life?


Ps. What are your favorite type of posts? What do you want to read or hear more about? I am sometimes surprised we touches a nerve with people. Let me know. berek.bryan@equity.fitness