Equity Fitness

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Fountains vs. Drains

There are two types of people that you interact with: those that bring energy, fountains, and those that take it, drains.

If you are constantly around people that drain you and everything around, you will eventually be pulled into their negative energy, like a black hole. Instead of feeding into drain give it as little as you can. You don’t have to cut that person out of your life if they are important to you.

Be aware of the people you spend time with co-workers, family, and friends.

On the flip side are YOU a fountain or drain to other people. Are you bringing energy or draining it from everyone. Are you a fountain to those you care about but to drain to those you are indifferent to? Support those you care about and be a fountain of energy for them and for those you don’t know be a positive bit of their day, be that one kindness that turns their day around.


PS. Have your goals changed since you started or are you struggling to reach those goals? Having a plan of action to get there can help. Shoot me a message with the subject ‘Goal Session’ to talk about how your goals have evolved and how to fast track to them.