Equity Fitness

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August Member Spotlight: Amy Smythe

  1.  How did you get started on your CrossFit journey? 
    My CrossFit adventure started when I was taking classes at a local Taekwondo gym. It was a small noon class and my coach asked if I would be interested in this thing called “CrossFit”. I had no idea what it was but I was willing to give it a try. I remember Krista walking into the Taekwondo place with barbells and weights. I think that was the first time I ever lifted a barbell. (Talk about a newbie!) After my first session I left curious about CrossFit and unbelievably sore…but I came back for more. I had one class in Equity’s old gym before they moved to the current location.

  2. How long have you been a member at Equity? 
    I have been with Equity for 7 years.

  3.  Best advice for someone thinking of joining Equity? 
    Just give it a try, it’s not a cookie cutter gym. You do what you can, when you can (on your own terms).  Movements can be modified or intensified depending on your fitness level.  Progress will come with dedication and commitment.  

  4. What was your first impression and how has that changed?  
    My first impression was, “Wow!  Everyone is so nice - and strong!”  I was in awe of many of the athletes at the gym.  It was such an inspiration to try to get to that next level of fitness.  I was amazed at the knowledge and ability of the coaches to tailor the workouts to an athlete’s individual needs.  I will admit it was a little intimidating to see the members throwing up big weights while I was using the training bar.  However, that was quickly extinguished by the positive feedback and comments from everyone.    My impression now is, well, still the same.  “Everyone is so nice and so strong!”   I am still inspired by many at the gym and it continually makes me want to be better.  All of the coaches amaze me, and while I still might not throw up big weights, I have definitely improved from that initial training bar!

  5. How has the gym improved your life?  
    I have friends now, LOL.  It was a joke, but in all honesty, it is the reality.  I have made so many lasting friendships that I would never have without the gym.  The gym is like my second family (I know, cliché).  I mean what community comes together in the midst of a pandemic (not literally), and keeps you motivated to workout and connected to your friends?  EQUITY!  Having your personal coach message you daily, virtual happy hours, and Monday’s yoga or Sunday’s video challenges, those are things that a caring community does for its members.  I would be remiss if I did not mention that the gym has improved my health and fitness.  I was an overweight exerciser.  I have always enjoyed working out, but did not understand the nutrition part of it.  Equity has taught me many things.  I would have to say that I am more fit now than I was BK (before kids - which was a really long time ago!).

  6. What do you do for a living and how has CrossFit impacted that?  
    I am a nurse at Christiana Hospital and I also teach nursing students at Cecil College.  In the hospital setting I would say the greatest impact is being able to do the heavy lifting.  Turning patients, assisting them with walking after surgery and being aware of my body mechanics to complete the task has significantly transitioned into my work field.  I will say it’s nice to see the surprised look on my colleagues' faces when I lift something heavy (LOL).  In the college setting I take what I see from the gym and incorporate it into my lectures for my students.  

  7. Favorite gym story?  
    Oh my!  I have so many gym stories it’s hard to pick a favorite!  I won’t name names but it’s always fun to dodge a jump rope during dubs (Nick) when it goes flying! (sorry Nick I couldn’t help myself).  One time during a CrossFit open - a certain judge (Amy) told an athlete the wrong movement sequence.  In the middle of the workout, I yelled to Berek - “I think I messed up”.  He told the athlete to stop and he had to redo the entire workout (sorry Paul!).  Then there was the incident on the GHD but we won’t go there!

Healthy food
- salad with grilled chicken
Not so healthy food - chips or cheese-its
Color - purple
Movie - Gladiator and Robin Hood but I do like Disney movies Monster’s, Inc, Nemo, Lion King
Holiday - Christmas
TV show - Jeopardy
CrossFit movement - Does it have to be only one??  Burpees, push ups, GHD’s

Thank you Amy for being a member of the Equity Family!!  #investinyourself
