Equity Fitness

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Are You the Critic or the Coach

If you a “friend” following you around all day blaming, complaining, and constantly criticizing you how long would you keep that person around. If you did keep them around what kind of mental state do you think you would be in.

If your “friend” was constantly supported you, helped you get out of a negative state, and helped you take control of only the things you can control, how long would you keep this person around. What would your mental state look like with this person.

Obviously the friend is YOU. Be your coach. Be your support system. Remove blaming and complaining about things you don’t control that puts you in a negative state.

Instead of “this driving sucks”, “I should catch up on that podcast”. Instead of “I can’t do wall balls”, “I’m going to try that new technique Coach Kelli gave me the other day”.

Be a support system for yourself. Be somebody you would want to be around. Be your own coach.

Thank you and Cheers,
Coach Berek