Equity Fitness

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Accelerating Progress - The Equity Podcast 040

We all want to to be better yesterday. Progress doesn’t work like that. (Side note this makes me think of an episode of Bluey titled Bike, check it out. It is amazing. Bluey is on Disney+)

We see people on the weekly wins board every week and some people seem to be on it every week. What can we learn from them.

  1. Awareness
    Awareness of the goal(s) and the work that will help us get there. Awareness of what we can control. The Five Factors of Fitness: Nutrition, Sleep & Recovery, Train, Think, and Connect.

  2. Intention
    Intentional in working towards our goals. Intentional in the words and stories we tell ourselves. Intentional in our 5 factors.

  3. Action
    Are we putting the above into action. Are me making time for it and executing.

Another way to put this is smart hard work. Hard work is not enough. Practice DOES NOT make perfect. Intentional + mindful practice makes better.

This is really challenging to do alone. Guidance/coaching can help get you there faster (accelerating progress). One way to do that is through our Hybrid membership. This is what the Hybrid membership is:

  • Initial consult to answer questions and goal setting

  • Weekly email with the workouts for the week

  • Tailored goals for each workout

  • Tailored accessory work

  • Weekly feedback

This is for anyone looking to get better. Improve their health and fitness, be more competitive, or work back from injuries/limitations.

If you would like to learn more shoot me a message. 443.206.5544

Thank you.
