Equity Fitness

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The Type of Person that Does Hard Things 💎

If you tell yourself the same story to yourself you will start to believe it. Color your thoughts with the type of person you want to be. Tell yourself you are the type of person that does hard things and you are more likely to do hard things and that is what make life special.

Obstacles are not things to complain about. They are opportunities to put your virtues and the things that matter to you to the test. Do the things that the type of person you want to be would do.

Want to be better with money? Read books and talk to others about money. Want to be a healthy person be around others that are healthy and do what they do. Eat real whole food, mostly plants, not too much and be active everyday.

I can not stress enough how much I enjoy hearing from you. Shoot me an email with what you are crushing right now, with what you are struggling with right now. I respond to every email. Talk to me, I want to hear what you have to say. berek.bryan@equity.fitness.
