Equity Fitness

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Busting 3 Myths about Working Out

Myth #1 - I have to be "Fit" to Start

People see others working out and assume they have to be at that level to start. Those people have been working out for a long time and have built up over time to where they are now. The people you see that you see as really fit where in your shoes when they first started. They worked hard, consistency and improved over time to get where they are at today.

Every person in the gym started at a different level then where they are now. We value people investing in themselves and putting in the effort to work towards better everyday. You might not achieve it everyday but you must strive for it. Everyone that walks in the door of the gym has already earned a level of respect because we understand the feeling of walking into something new and different. It takes guts to walk into somewhere new.

Working out with us is how you get fit. You DON'T get fit then start at Equity.

Myth #2 - I might Injure Myself

We want to help improve your health, fitness, and quality of life, If you are injured we are not helping in those areas. Working out is a great way to increase strength and conditioning to help PREVENT injury and stay safe in everyday life.

We have 3 ways we help prevent injury. 1) A focus on mechanics first then consistency then intensity. You need the former before the latter. 2) Our 1-1 On Ramp program helps introduce and refine movements you will see in the gym: and 3) All of our classes, sessions, clients, and programs are lead by a coach who wants to keep you safe, help you towards your goals, and have fun doing it.. Our coaches will help reinforce mechanics, modify movements as needed, and explain the reason for doing the workout.

Myth #3 - Working Out will make me "Bulky"

"I don't want to get bulky" and "I don't want to look like a body-builder", these are two very common sentiments. The people that get these physiques do it on purpose and work very hard to do it. Looking like a body-builder or another "bulky" athlete doesn't happen on accident. 

If your goal is to improve your health, fitness, and quality of life you are not going to get bulky but your will feel better and you will look better naked if you improve your eating habits and workout consistently.

What other myths about working out do you hear? Do you have any specific worries about starting your health journey?
Let me know berek.bryan@equity.fitness

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