Equity Fitness

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How-to Use Our Workout Levels and Goals to Reach Your Goals

Same workout different goals.

People have different reasons for working out and those reasons adapt overtime. We provide a general goal and two specific goals; one for health and wellness and another for performance. With the combination of specific goals and three different levels for each workout depending on your current skill level you can really get the most out of the workout.

Health & Wellness

Our ‘Health & Wellness’ goal is for people that are working toward improving their quality of life, improving health markers, having some fun with friends and like minded people, and staying active. This is going to focus on a relatively lower intensity with a major focus on improving the 10 general physical skills to help live your life to the fullest. Focusing on health and wellness will still require working hard and working towards a little better every day.


Our ‘Performance’ goal is for those who are looking for a bit of competition and/or looking to find what they are truly capable of. There will still be a focus on mechanics and moving well. Rushing into intensity will result in injury. Performance will work on building efficiency, building skills and capacity, and maximizing overall performance.

Having performance as a goal does NOT mean that we are just trying to go as fast as possible. Over-competing leads to injury and burn out. The more competitive you want to be, the more training you should do (practice vs training vs competing).

Goals and Levels

For most of our workouts we have three levels. L3 (most attainable), L2 (mid-level will have to work 3-6 months for this level generally) and L1 (our most advanced level). Our two different goals are not for a specific level. One might assume that L1 is for ‘Performance’ and L3 is for ‘Health & Wellness but that is not the case. Each goal can be used for any level.

No matter the skill level, your goal can be for performance and working towards gaining the skills and strength needed to compete at your highest level. The same can be said for those looking for health and wellness. You could have very competitive times and numbers but that might not be the goal.

Wrap Up

Use the daily workout levels paired with specific goals for each workout to help you work towards your goals. From taking a walk with your kids in the woods, to competing in college sports, to playing in adult volleyball leagues there is a path for you to get better everyday.

What do you think about our new goals? Do you like our level system? Do you have a question about your specific goals?
I would love to hear about it. Let me know in the comment or by email berek.bryan@equity.fitness

Ready to invest in yourself and take the next step on your health and fitness journey?
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