Equity Fitness

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Why Workout in the Morning?🌞🌞🛌🛌

I was curious to find out why our members decide to workout during our 6am class versus our other classes. So to learn more I asked a bunch of our #6AMCREW to answer four questions for me.

The 4 Questions

  1. Why do you workout at the 6am class?

  2. What is your favorite part of the morning class?

  3. How does working out in the morning help you throughout the day?

  4. Do you have anything else you would like to say?


  1. I started the 6am classes because I know if I don’t workout first thing in the morning I will have a million excuses as to why I can’t go later in the day. The kids get sick and can’t go to school. I have too much laundry/housework to do, etc....also, I like to go in the morning because it doesn’t affect my family at all. They are still in bed (for the most part) so I’m not missing anything and there’s no “mom guilt”. 

  2. My absolute favorite thing about the 6am classes would have to be the friendships I’ve developed. It’s so much fun to spend time with people I enjoy so much first thing in the morning. I also love watching the sunrise in the morning on the way home. It’s the cherry on top.

  3. I start my day feeling accomplished. My mood is better. I’m more awake (once I’ve worked out 🤣). I’m more likely to stay on track with my food choices throughout the day.  

  4. The thing I struggle with most is going to bed earlier and getting enough sleep. I’m working on this. I love my gym!!

50 (aka Emmanuel)

  1. It gives me a jump start to start a productive day and get more stuff done

  2. The warm ups because you get to chit chat with everyone in the room and the early work out

  3. I feel more energized and I see myself drinking less coffee due to that and I’m not dragging in the mornings

  4. Nothing but thank you for all that you do

Jen Howell

  1. You have the rest of the day to yourself.  To accomplish things or just to relax. I often coordinate my workout with work at the shelter, errands, or as a start to a 12hr shift bc I know I'll be too tired to commit to late night exercise.

  2. The camaraderie.  The laughs. The dance moves.  The encouragement. The coordinated strategies.  The cheers for each other during workouts. Support and friendships, and it doesn't matter if your clothes are inside out or matching ;)

  3. Gives me energy and motivation to stay on track throughout the day for 7yrs :)

  4. ---


  1. Why? Great way to start the day!  I like just getting up and getting it done - I don't have to think about it during the day!

  2. Favorite - my 6am peeps and of course Berek's witty banter

  3. Help throughout the day - Honestly I feel like I am a better more energized teacher.  Also, when my kids tell me they are tired I can tell them what I was doing at 6am while they were sleeping :) 

  4. Anything else - I have time to run in the afternoon or do supplemental if I choose


  1. From the outset, working out in the morning structures one's day so that, whatever else happens in the day, the most challenging obstacle - a heavy lift, a tricky gymnastic movement - has already been successfully faced or conquered. 

  2. The 6:00 a.m. classes, for the most part, are small - making interaction with the other athletes intimate and close; creating that invaluable 'crew' community

  3. This gives me energy for the rest of the day, and a positive I can do all things mindset..

  4. Lastly, since it is an early morning class, and many of us (me) wake up right beforehand, a just-woke-up, loopy, funhouse energy is created amongst the morning members, making the environment conducive to both a PR and a great time. 


  1. It allows me to build a routine as with my current job I work long and inconsistent hours. Even if I leave at a decent time I am frequently too mentally exhausted to exercise. With the 6am class I know I will always get exercise in for the day.

  2. I start my day with a sense of accomplishment before even walking into work. I like the smaller class size too.

  3. I'm more energized which allows me to be more focused. Exercise is a great stress relief and it helps me keep a clear head when faced with the many issues I deal with at work. I like that after work I can go home and relax too.

  4. ---


  1. I enjoy the 0600 class because it's the only guaranteed time of the day where the daily demands of being a husband and father haven't begun yet.  It's my "quiet" time and opportunity to focus on myself.

  2. It sets the tone for the rest of my day.  Normally folks may engage in exercise to relieve the stress of the day (which is fine), but the 0600 class gives me the opportunity to arrive at work already relaxed and capable of taking on the days challenges knowing that I have already taken care of myself.

  3. My favorite part of the morning class is 6 am crew...because it's usually smaller than the other classes, you really get a dedicated core group and the relationships built can be more rewarding.

  4. Getting the WOD done in the morning also provides you an opportunity to do additional work later.  For instance, since most of us have to turn and burn to get to work, if our schedules free up in the afternoon we can hit the gym and do accessory work, supplementals etc...or just hang out and cheer our friends on.


  1. It allows me to spend the whole evening with my family, I like having the workout done in the morning!

  2. Favorite part is the people and it’s a positive way to start the day (even when there’s thrusters LOL) 

  3. Working out in the morning helps me stay on track with my nutrition throughout the day compared to days I work out in the afternoon/ I’m less anxious if I start the day getting my nervous energy out- natural stress relief! 

  4. Morning class was a good way to get comfortable with a lot of the movements before going to a more crowded afternoon class.


  1. With my strange schedule at work if I didn’t go to 6 am I wouldn’t be able to get in workouts most days. But I also have always liked working out in the morning ever since doing 2 a days for swimming in high school and college. I always say I don’t even wake up until about 6:30 and by then half of my workout is already done! I love maximizing the time in my day and checking that off my list so early. 

  2. I think my favorite thing is that even though the 6 am squad has changed since I started 6ams 5 years ago, there’s a different kind of camaraderie at that time. It’s less of a competitive environment in the morning compared to the evening classes - it’s almost like we’re already proud of each other just for making it there so early haha. 

  3. By getting my day started that early I’m home and ready to start my day by about 7:30. On those days I always get a great breakfast in, get some chores done around the house, and walk my dog before getting off to work. When I miss 6am I pretty much always have to skip one of those things because I’ve wasted time in the morning and feel less awake and productive. 

  4. Nope, just hoping I’ll still be able to get to 6ams with chip! 


  1. Why do you workout at the 6am class?  I am a morning person and I perform much better before I eat something. I like accomplishing something first thing so that at least if the rest of my day is crap, I have that!

  2. What is your favorite part of the morning class?  I like the people and the energy, but that's really every class.

  3. How does working out in the morning help you throughout the day?  see above. If I accomplish nothing else in the day, I did a great workout. I also find it clears my head and puts me in the right frame of mind.

  4. Do you have anything else you would like to say? I love the motivation and encouragement from the other members. I didn't think I was going to live through that  squat/lunge/jump rope workout the other day but everyone was so encouraging, helping me with form and telling me I was going at a good pace. I REALLY appreciated it and wanted to finish so I could get a fist bump and be proud of myself for working so hard. It's great to be around positive people who take their fitness seriously and are willing to support and encourage. I love it! So thank you to everyone:)

When do you prefer to workout? Why does that time work best for you? I would love to hear from you, let me know => berek.bryan@equity.fitness

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