Equity Fitness

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Vikki Broke Her Bad Habit, You Can To

Smoking is a very hard habit to break but Vikki did it. While Vikki was a member I was completely unaware that she was a smoker. I only learned that she had quit smoking late in 2019. I know people that have quit and have tried to quit so I was aware of the effort it must have taken to do it.

After learning about Vikki quitting I asked if she would share her story with me. Below is her journey on quitting.

Vikki also recently started coaching personal training at Equity and does the vast majority of our On Ramp programs. So she is the first coach that new Equity members are exposed to. We are crazy lucky to have Vikki part of the team.

Vikki's Story

I have been a member at CrossFit Equity since March, 2015. When I first started my CrossFit journey, I was a smoker and extremely out of shape. For the first year I primarily went to the 6 a.m class 3-4 times a week. I would wake up early to make sure I had time to smoke a cigarette with my coffee before I left to workout. I would continue to smoke cigarettes throughout the day. My conscience got the best of me. Every time I would smoke I couldn’t help but think that all the hard work I was putting in the gym was being wasted because I was smoking. The things you consume can either feed chronic disease or fight chronic disease and I was feeding it. I also became constantly paranoid about cancer and chronic health issues. I always felt ashamed, guilty, and embarrassed (especially since I kept this habit a secret). 

I knew I needed to stop making excuses and take responsibility, no matter how hard it would be to quit smoking. I loved being a CrossFit Equity athlete and I hated the version of me while I was smoking. I decided enough was enough and I needed to quit. I was going to put all my efforts into fitness;  CrossFit Equity provided the best place I could go to when I was having a tough time and wanted to smoke. The workouts are great stress relievers but the positive and supportive community is what kept me coming back. Not only did they provide my outlet, they also shaped me into being extremely mentally tough, instilled in me the importance of doing the right thing, and to hold myself accountable.  I did not use nicorette gum, no chantix, no therapy…. I used CrossFit Equity. I quit cold turkey within the first year of being a member (I had smoked since I was 16)! I started working out at CrossFit Equity way more. I started going to the noon classes.  Doing extra work in and out of the gym, along with the nutrition, and fitness challenges. CrossFit Equity provides positivity and support that makes reaching any goal enjoyable and possible. You will get physical adaptations; you will evolve and become mentally tough, have extreme confidence, and kick bad habits… the list goes on and on. I can’t thank Equity and the coaches enough for providing an environment to help me grow, help me kick one of the deadliest habits out there, and continue to help me become the best possible version of myself!

Thank you for sharing Vikki. We hope that Vikki's story motivates you to fight to be better everyday. 

Ready to invest in yourself and take the next step on your health and fitness journey? Book a 'No Sweat Intro'.

Have a question or comment about Vikki's story or would you like to send her some kind words, let me know.
